You may cancel The Booking at any time provided you do so in writing to Come & Stay Ltd or via the Booking Platform (Including but not limited to Airbnb, VRBO, Plum Guide).
If you have cancelled via a Booking Platform, then the cancellation policy will be set out, in detail on their website.
If you have booked directly with, Come & Stay Ltd, we offer a full refund of the holiday rental fee, until fourteen days prior to the beginning of your stay. After fourteen days we are unable to offer a refund.
Late cancellation refunds may be issued in full for special circumstances, including but not limited to, a pandemic, a natural disaster, political or national emergencies. Come & Stay Ltd. do not operate any scheme of cancellation or travel insurance and you should obtain your own insurance cover for your stay.
Come & Stay Ltd. reserves the right to cancel a booking at any time under circumstances beyond our reasonable control. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, natural disasters, pandemics, or urgent repairs and maintenance. Additionally, we may cancel a booking if:
In the event of cancellation under these conditions, if no alternative holiday is mutually agreed upon, Come & Stay Ltd. will issue a full refund of all payments received for the booking.
Please note that Come & Stay Ltd. accepts no liability for any additional loss or inconvenience incurred as a result of the cancellation.
Change of Booking
Come & Stay Ltd. will endeavour to assist you in the transfer of a booking to an alternative date unless this request is received fourteen days prior to your booking. Should this request be made within fourteen days of The Holiday, an administration charge of £50 may be applied, in addition to any increased rent due on the alternative dates.
Should this transfer of a booking be due to an event outside of your control, then we will consider removing the administration charge.
Changes may not be accepted within 1 week of the start date of The Holiday. If a change results in a reduction in the length of the holiday it will be regarded as a cancellation.